
나쁜 것을 들었으면 퍼뜨리지 마라

圓鏡 2014. 6. 12. 20:45


[Daily Wisdom of the Buddha]


"Speak calmly and quietly. Do not say you have seen things that you didn't see, nor say you have heard things that you didn't hear. If you have seen something bad, do not tell others about it. If you have heard something bad, do not repeat it."


[오늘의 부처님 말씀]


"말은 침착하고 조용히 하되, 보지 않은 것을 보았다고 말하지 말며, 듣지 않은 것을 들었다고 말하지 마라. 나쁜 것을 보았으면 전하지 말고, 나쁜 것을 들었으면 퍼뜨리지 마라." <사미니계경>